Having a place to go is home, having someone to love is family, having both is a blessing!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Now, this is fall!!!

We went for a drive last weekend on what is called the "blue hills drive" It was soo beautiful! It made me really appreciate nature and the fact that I can see. It was so relaxing too, to just be able to look out my window and not have to worry about driving, thanks J:) The kids all fell asleep so they missed most of it, figures! Well...now just a week or so later the trees are almost bare, so I am sure glad we went when we did!


¨*:·.TIFF.·:*¨ said...

beautiful! i love going and looking at the fall leaves.

Kennedy, Brexton, Sadie, Dallin, Jumper said...

Beautiful!!! I miss the leaves changing colors. I don't really know why you can see them change here but it pretty much goes from green to brown. I know it is fall because Halloween is coming and the cotton is starting to be harvested. You sound like you are really enjoying yourself, I am glad to hear that.

Leslie said...

That is awesome. I actually miss all of that. I love the warm weather, but I miss the seasons. What a beautiful drive!

Kristi said...

SO PRETTY!!! That's the one thing that sucks about Arizona is that the leaves don't change! Lucky ducks.

Sue Kepner said...

Remember me? I was sorry to hear your grandma died. She was a nice lady. Your Mom and I stayed at her home one time so I got to know her a little. Your family is beautiful and the oldest looks just like you. I will have to give your Mom a call soon. We live in Michigan now.