Having a place to go is home, having someone to love is family, having both is a blessing!

Monday, November 9, 2009

not so uplifting.....

So blogs are suppose to be a place where you can vent, express, or just plain write about anything and everything right?!? So I am writing mainly for myself, but also for others if they care to listen. I don't think anyone really looks at my blog too often anyways so this is safe:) So here goes: I am so very discouraged at this moment with myself. I was going along so well back in July when I was losing weight, feeling great and was able to run a 5k. Now I sit here having put on 15-20(I haven't weighed myself in a week) of the hard pds I lost and continue to feel so defeated I cannot seem to get back on track. It is frustrating to no end to continue on like this. The worst part is is that when I go to see friends or family that haven't seen me in awhile I feel like I don't want to go because of this suddon weight gain. It makes me feel trapped and mad at myself for letting myself slip back into my old habits when I was doing so great! I was so determined to be on the cover of people 1/2 their size, but I guess I didn't want it bad enough! Even after so many of you gave me great encouragement and pushed me along I still failed. So that's that......I just needed to vent, I know that I need to get over being mad and just get back on track and just say ENOUGH! Hopefully that will come sooner than later.


Sandi said...

Laura, Laura, Laura, it's going to be ok. Keep your head up, and step by step get back on track. Don't go hiding yourself away, your friends and family love you and are not thinking about your weight gain. Plus, you probably haven't gained as much as you think you have. Try to stay positive, you can accomplish anything you set your mind too. You are an incredible wife, mother, friend, sister, daughter... you are amazing! Love you, and keep smiling!

Lisa M said...

I haven't looked at your blog forever! I am sorry that you are struggling. I'm sure that you are doing great by now. You are a wonderful person! I second everything Sandi said. She is a wise woman. Love you!!